If you are looking for massage therapy in Woodbury

sports massage and therapeutic massage 


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Healthy Living

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 Did you know that massage therapy has an accumulative effect on the body.

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Intergraded Sports Massage Therapy

Over the last 30 years, Vince has developed his technique

to perfection!  If you are looking for a true therapeutic massage then you have come to the right place. 


Coming Soon

Sports Stone Massage


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I started my massage career over 30 years ago. I always wanted to do more for people than just give them a massage. Throughout the years, I have developed a truly therapeutic massage style. I spent 16 + years managing the Massage Department at Woodbury Life Time Fitness before moving out on my own 9 + years ago.

Whether you are coming in for a relaxation massage or a bodywork session I can help relieve your your pain and melt away the day.

The body and the issues we have are like a puzzle. When we are under stress and or injured some of those pieces get misplaced and it's up to me to put the puzzle back together. I may need to pull on all of my experience over the years to do that. Sometimes I need to call on the expertise of other healthcare workers for that to happen.

My goal is to listen to your needs and exceed your expectations.

I know how busy everyone is so as part of my business I work evenings and weekends. 


If you are coming to the office don't worry about parking we have plenty of spots for you. We are located at 1937 Woodlane Drive STE. 103 Woodbury, MN 55125

Put the pieces back together and book your appointment today.



1937 Woodlane Drive

STE. 103

Woodbury MN, 55125